Passage narration suggestion Answer
Answer-1: The ticket seller asked the stranger respectfully where he (S) liked to go. The stranger replied that he (S) liked to go to Cox's Bazar. The ticket seller asked the stranger how many tickets he (S) needed. He (S) replied that he (S) would buy five tickets. The ticket seller told him (S) to take those tickets. He (T) added that they would cost three thousand taka.
Answer-2: The school teacher asked the boy why he (B) was loitering here and there then. He (T) also asked him (B) if he (B) was in trouble. The boy replied that he (B) was loitering because he (B) had none to take care him (B). The school teacher asked him (B) if he (B) felt hungry. The boy replied that he (B) was very hungry then.
Answer-3: Father asked Arman if he (A) had learnt his (A) lessons. Arman replied in the negative and said that he (A) had forgotten. Father told him that that was very bad. He (F) added that he (A) had to be more careful about his (A) preparation for the examination and by doing so, he (A) could make a good result. Arman thanked him (F) very much for his (F) timely advice.
Answer-4: Della asked Madame if she (M) would buy her (D) hair. Madame replied that she (M) bought hair. She (M) told her (D) to take her (D) hat off and suggested that they should have a sight at the looks of it. Then Madame told her (D) that they would give her (D) twenty dollars, lifting the mass with a practiced hand. Della told her (M) to give it to her (D) quickly.
Answer-5: As we shook hands, she told me to follow her example and never eat more than one thing for luncheon. I retorted that I would do better than that and added that I would eat nothing for dinner that night. Jumping into a cab, she cried gaily calling me a humorist.
Answer-6: The rich man asked the cobbler if he (C) had saved something for the future. The cobbler replied in the negative and added that he (C) was happy with the present and thought do. He (R) added that he (R) liked to see him (C) above want. He (R) told the cobbler to have that money and keep it.
Answer-7: Jerry told her that she looked a little bit like his mother especially in the dark by the fire. At this, she told him that he had been only four when he had gone there. Next, she asked him if he had remembered how she had looked all those years. Then, Jerry replied that his mother lived in Mannville.
Answer-8: The teacher asked the boy if he (b) thought that honesty is the best policy. The boy politely replied that he (b) thought so. The teacher then advised the boy to learn to be honest from his (b) boyhood. Next, the boy thanked his teacher respectfully. The teacher prayed that Allah might grant him (the boy) a long life.
Answer-9: The nobleman politely asked Sheikh Saadi why he (S) was putting the foods in his (S) pocket and why he didn't eat. Sheikh Saadi replied that he was doing the right thing. He added that his dress deserved those rich dishes. The noble man apologized to Sheikh Saadi and said that he (N) did not understand what he (S) meant to say.
Answer-10: The merchant asked the youth where he was going. The youth replied that he (Y) had been going to see him (M). The merchant asked him what he (Y) wanted. He (Y) replied that he wanted to earn his bread by the labour of his hands. The merchant asked him if he (Y) really wanted work. The youth replied in the affirmative that he (Y) wanted work if he (M) had any. Then the merchant ordered him (Y) to follow him (M) and carry a box from a shop to his (M) house. The youth said that he (Y) did not see how he (Y) could do that.
Answer-11: The student politely asked the teacher if he (T) would help him (S). The teacher assured him. Then the student said that that he (S) had been absent from his( T) class the previous day and could not understand the lesson he (T) taught. The teacher told the student to meet him (t) in the teachers' room if he (S) was free after that class. He (t) added that he (t) would help him (s). The student respectfully thanked him (T). Addressing as son, the teacher remarked that he (S) was welcome.
Answer-12: The police officer asked Shila how he (P) could help her (S). In reply, Shila said that the previous night while she (S) was coming home by a baby taxi, two snatchers suddenly had ridden into her (S) baby taxi. Then the police officer asked her (S) if they had taken anything from him (S). Replying in the affirmative, she (S) said that they had snatched away her (S) cell phone and two thousand taka. Then the police officer told Shila to let him (P) record her (S) complaint. At this, she (S) thanked the police officer.
Answer-13: Hasan asked Shahadat whether he (S) had ever been to Cox’s Bazar. Shahadat replied in the negative and said that he (S) had never gone there. He (S) added that he (S) had an inclination for visiting the place. Hasan said that he (H) had an opportunity to visit the sea-beach the previous year. He (H) exclaimed with joy that the scenery was very charming.
Answer-14: She said that she never drank anything for luncheon. I answered promptly that I did neither. She proceeded as though I had not spoken and told me that she drank nothing except white wine. She added that those French white wines were so light and they were wonderful for the digestion.
Answer-15: Napoleon asked the English boy why he was making such a small boat. The boy replied that he hadn't seen his mother for a long time. He added that he would go to his country by that boat to see her. Napoleon then asked him where she lived. The boy replied that his mother lived in the country on the side of the sea and requested him that he might be allowed to go there.
Answer-16: As she ate the ice cream, she told me that there was one thing she thoroughly believed in. She added that one should always get up from meal feeling one could eat a little more. At this, I faintly asked her if she was still hungry. She refused it and said that she was not hungry. She added that I saw she did not eat luncheon. At this, I said that I got the point.
Answer-17: I asked her if she would take coffee. She replied that she would take just an ice cream and a coffee. I ordered for her and for myself. As she ate the ice cream, she told me that she thoroughly believed in one thing. She added that one should always get up from a meal feeling one could eat a little more. I asked her faintly if she was still hungry.
Answer-18: Miranda exclaimed with sorrow and requested Ferdinand not to work so hard because her father was at his studies. She added that he (F) was safe for three hours. She requested him to rest himself. Addressing Miranda as his dear lady, Ferdinand replied that he dared not. He added that he had to finish his task before he took his rest.
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